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currently: full of cappuccino icecream. yum.

funny pictures of cats with captions
courtesy of

One more week.
Or to be more specific, only 4 more school days till I can breathe. Sorta.
I feel myself having to plan ahead every single minute of the day.
I can't say that I love the work, but I do enjoy the chaos.

There's just something about getting swept away that is so much fun. Like a cyclone. It's scary, fast, and sometimes just so overwhelming, but stil fun.

And like cyclones, there is the stillness of the center which I enjoy. I didn't sleep too well last night, so I let myself sleep in till 10:30am, half awake to dream about...well a lot of things. I love dreaming, it gives me time to escape everything and fall into fantasies.

I had to admit, there's something annoying about wasting time. But I do love to do it haha.

Can't wait till the holidays so I can spend more mornings just dreaming away.

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