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currently: in the middle of another assignment.

It must seem like I never finish my homework with how often I post about my assignments. Don't worry people, only two more to go (plus an exam) until this semester is finished. I'm a bit shocked that it's already June. I'm clinging to the days like I cling to cheesecake - I want to finish and devour the entire cheesecake but yet I want to savour every bite.
Does that make sense?
Probably doesn't.

Anyway, I don't have time to write a full on/in depth blog post but I just wanted to share the trip I took up to Coatesville yesterday (Sunday).

On the first Sunday of every month, they have this market at Coatesville Reserve and people come to pack out the place and sell all their stuff. From crepes to cheese, rings to baby slings. It's awesome. Plus this place is Dog Central.

Great things about markets - homemade food!
There are always interesting designs at markets. Cute!
Also the bizarre designs. Punk babies?
People who make THIS MANY items by hand. *applaude*
At first glance - cute earrings
Closer look - old coins! Souvenir chic and recyclable.
People also build furniture and bring it here. Points to them!
Again, clever recycling and re-purposing. Cute gifts too!
And of course to finish off... :)

Markets are always cute, clever and quirky fun :)

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