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month of thankfulnessthoughts

Hand in hand [Day 23 of Thankfulness]

currently: listening to '7 Years' by Lukas Graham

Day 23: Hand in hand
I was taking the last available bus home today. The last bus home is always relatively empty so typically people get seats to themselves. But I noticed one couple, relatively older, sitting together on the bus.

As they got up to leave, I notice the man held in his hand a small MAC labelled shopping bag, definitely meant for his partner busy fiddling for her bus card.

He says thank you to the driver as he disembarks, and as soon as he steps out, I notice him stop and turn around, his hand outstretched.

He's offering to help his wife step off the bus. I stare down at her shoes, thinking she must be on a completely unstable set of heels, but instead all I see are a comfortable pair of black flats.

She takes his hand as she finally steps off the bus, and I can't help but smile as this couple walked hand in hand down the road.

I'm not very romantic but I think there are few people who will show their love and appreciation for their partners daily. It's easy to talk about everything wrong with a relationship but rarely do people openly say what they're glad about.

Whether it's because it's more relatable to complain and pick apart the problems of their partners, or just the culture where we do turn down daily thankfulness for the partners we have - it's not encouraging to see people tear down their husbands, wives, boyfriends or girlfriends behind their backs.

I don't talk a lot about my own relationship or about my boyfriend on my blog because that's for his privacy, and ours. He prefers I refer to him as 'boyfriend' on my blog, and would rather not see photos of himself published here, and I respect that completely.

But I will share that even though I'm not as romantic as he is, some of the simple moments we share can be the sweetest. We don't have a lot of money to be flashy and romantic, but we don't typically need it either.

He's incredibly patient with me, and can remain calm when I'm at my most stressed. He rarely gets angry at me, even if I'm being annoying. He sees the best in me, always tries to make me laugh with the worst puns ever, and he's one of the most encouraging people I know.

I'm writing this all not because of any special anniversary or delayed Valentine's Day post. I'm saying this because I do feel people need to be more open and encouraging around the positives of love and relationships, and not act negative, ashamed or afraid to do so.

I'm thankful to my boyfriend, and to all the ridiculously romantic people of the world. Thankful for always showing there's love in our daily lives with only the simplest gesture and care.

I'm writing 31 personal stories about things in my life I'm thankful for. See all my posts during my month of thankfulness here.

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