So the main event today as such, was the trip to Sentosa Island, just off the city of Singapore. I actually don't know why they call it an island. Cause I mean it's pretty much connected to Singapore.
Our host, Uncle Phillip, drove us from our hotel to Sentosa. (And I seriously have to thank him for the awesome day. He paid for EVERYTHING at Sentosa. As my aunt put it, "he owns the island" =P)
After a few wrong turns and a few confusing glances, we made our first stop to the Underwater Park. It's pretty much a big interactive aquarium. They talk all about the local sea critters, and they give you the chance to even touch some of these things, such as the stingrays and some of the fish etc.
(Yours truly didn't touch any cause she was too busy photographing stuff. Can't get the camera wet.)

The jellyfish might have been my favourite of the whole underwater park.

Sentosa's Underwater Park is pretty much the best aquarium I've been to. I mean this obviously bet the Kelly Tarltons in Auckland (cause if you've been to it, you know it's pretty lousy now.) This was even better than Sydney's aquarium version, even though Sentosa's building was actually smaller than Sydney's.
So anyway, when we came out of the underwater park, guess what? It started raining. Typical tropical rain where it's so freaking heavy and it comes down hard. So Uncle Phillip again came to pick us up (he wasn't actually following round with us. Don't ask me what he was up to). And from there, he had already organised a bunch of tickets for us. So while it was pouring with rain, we decided the best place to go next was the 4D Theatre.

After that, the rain had luckily let up. So we spent a short time in the gift shop, I bought a souvenir, and we moved on to the Imbiah lookout. It's where all the food and stuff is. In front, they had these cool synchronised fountains that I just had to take a picture of.

Anyway, we went to the Butterfly and Insect Park. The stuff about the butterflies and what not...sorta boring (sorry). Cool thing was this parrot presentation they had going on. Gorgeous birds. But REALLY LOUD birds. Anyway, the workers there got the parrots to do tricks and stuff, while teaching the little kids infront of me about parrots. (So now we all know how to tell a male bird from a female.) After all that, we were allowed to go into the area outside where we could take photos of the birds and even hold them.

So after this came lunch. Pretty uneventful. (I stuck food in my mouth and ate it. Pizza to be specific.)
It was about 2 or 3pm when we finished up and headed on a bus to our last stop, the Merlion.

So, history lesson over. We went up to the top of the Merlion. As in the head. Great views of Sentosa.

So yup, that was Sentosa Island. Pretty awesome yes. And there were so many places we didn't get to go. Shame we just didn't have the time. But I have to say, after all that walking and stuff...we were all pretty tired.
It was a good day.