currently: listening to "About a Girl" by The Academy Is...
"Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof. " -
[V in 'V For Vendetta']
So I'm quite a dedicated blogger. Think this will be my 20th post for Feb, and 96th(?) overall.
And with these thoughts, I'm thinking of establishing an online magazine. Yeah I know it sounds pretty big...and I know - last year of school, should I really be onto doing stuff like that?
But...I'm thinking about it right now.
What type of online magazine? I dunno.
What audience for this online magazine? I dunno.
Where will this online magazine be? Blogspot - cause that's free (I can't afford to pay $50 for a actual site. Resession and jobless.)
That's as much as I've thought this through in terms of this at the moment.
But I reckon it may do me some good. If people won't let me into the field of journalism, then hey, I'll make my own way in.
Think I'll think over this idea a lot...
But hey, if anyone is keen to join me, or has any ideas - feel free to let me know.