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currently:smelling like smoke thanks to cooking near a smoky charcoal grill all day. Even washing and conditioning my hair did nothing for the smell. ew.

So, here's the news.
I passed NCEA Level 3 with Merit
And I got into university :D

It's pretty good :P
Now its just the matter of sorting out my loan, and choosing what time I want my classes.

I have to say, its hard to decide, because I don't know what time I want them haha.
It's like with the options out in front of me, I got to take control.
It is a little daunting :P

I have to say, I hate early mornings though...And I don't like the awkwardness of having like a 11-12pm class, then having a 2-4pm class. Does anyone else find that annoying? I'm debating "What am I meant to do with all that time?"
Other than eat or something haha. Or studying lol.

I'm kinda excited I must say. Though it's pretty much starting off completely new, cause I won't know a single person...which is also a little frightening.

But I've been told though that Uni will be the best time of my life...I start 1st of March...*eeep*

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